On 2020-11-17 20:51, Daniele Nicolodi wrote:
> Please complain with the Emacs maintainers about their handling of the
> bugs on the Emacs bug tracking system,

How do I know it was "their handling" and not "your handling"? It's
unclear from my view of the thread who performed the actions but all the
other actions on that thread were from a fellow called "Bastien" - is he
one of "theirs" or one of "yours" (or both)?

In any event, it should be of concern to people on this list to make
contributing to org-mode as open and hurdle-free as possible instead of
piling on supplemental demands / requirements. As a case study, you
can review the submissions that I referenced and the elisp content there
that seems would have gone lost had I not taken the extra steps of
engaging on this list. Who knows how many other contributions and
contributors you've "lost" this way...

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