* Tim Cross <theophil...@gmail.com> [2020-11-24 23:40]:
> If people are really concerned about security, they should look first at
> their use of repositories like MELPA. There is no formal review or
> analysis of packages in these repositories, yet people will happily
> select some package and install it.

Interesting that you are one who mentions that. There are just few
people ever mentioned it.

I am still in process of the review of MELPA packages and its
system. There are many security issues.

Package signing is one example. It does not offer much of security
when packages are signed automatically, but it raises level of

MELPA packages and archive-contents are not PGP signed, while GNU ELPA
packages are signed.

Licensing issues are also a problem with MELPA as it becomes unclear
if I have got the license or not when author does not have a proper
name. It is not relevant if majority of people do not think or are not
aware of licensing as I have to think of it for software that I may
re-use, distribute, modify. Did I really get the license if user is
named "nick-abc" and have no possible contact information? In some
cases for subset of MELPA packages there is no way to verify who
really wrote piece of software and if I have received the license
legally. Due diligence is on my side. I cannot just claim "But he gave
me license" will not help if I have not done proper due diligence,
court would not be on my side.

Other issue is that MELPA philosophy is to accept any kind of software
even if software has been made to drive or control proprietary

For that reason there is now non-GNU ELPA being developed where useful
packages will be distributed from.

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