On Thu, Nov 26, 2020 at 9:42 AM Neil Jerram <neiljer...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Wonderful, thank you.  I have been thinking it would be nice to have a test 
> suite along these lines, but detailed doc like this is more feasible and 
> maintainable.

A test suite is a good idea as a next step to protect correct
behaviors. I want to first look at actual behaviors and get agreement
on correct behaviors first. On the other hand, each of the language's
test suites should cover the same ground so a separate test suite may
not make sense.

> When time permits I will work on adding Scheme to this page.

Great, thanks!

> FWIW, I did not understand the "functional" and "scripting" terms that you 
> use on this page.
> I've understood now, from 
> https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/intro.html, that you mean 
> "results: value" and "results: output".  For me it would be better if you 
> said that instead of "functional" and "scripting", as the former is what I 
> can actually type in my Org files.

yes, it's in the manual as well [1], but I agree that alternating
between two sets of terms here is unnecessarily confusing. Will

[1] https://orgmode.org/manual/Results-of-Evaluation.html#Results-of-Evaluation

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