daniela-s...@gmx.it writes:

>  Sent: Monday, November 30, 2020 at 1:09 AM
>> From: "Tim Cross" <theophil...@gmail.com>
>> To: emacs-orgmode@gnu.org
>> Subject: Re: bug#44935: Emacs inserts hardwired org-agenda-files variable, 
>> overwriting user options
>> daniela-s...@gmx.it writes:
>> >> Sent: Sunday, November 29, 2020 at 10:51 PM
>> >> From: "Gyro Funch" <gyromagne...@gmail.com>
>> >> To: daniela-s...@gmx.it, "Kyle Meyer" <k...@kyleam.com>
>> >> Cc: emacs-orgmode@gnu.org
>> >> Subject: Re[2]: bug#44935: Emacs inserts hardwired org-agenda-files 
>> >> variable, overwriting user options
>> >>
>> >> >
>> >> >>  Sent: Sunday, November 29, 2020 at 10:20 PM
>> >> >>  From: "Kyle Meyer" <k...@kyleam.com>
>> >> >>  To: daniela-s...@gmx.it
>> >> >>  Cc: "gyro funch" <gyromagne...@gmail.com>, emacs-orgmode@gnu.org
>> >> >>  Subject: Re: bug#44935: Emacs inserts hardwired org-agenda-files 
>> >> >> variable, overwriting user options
>> >> >>
>> >> >>daniela-s...@gmx.it writes:
>> >> >>
>> >> >>  >> From: "gyro funch" <gyromagne...@gmail.com>
>> >> >>  [...]
>> >> >>  >> If I'm not mistaken, all of the development is done by volunteers.
>> >> >>  >>
>> >> >>  >> Perhaps you could help resolve your issue instead of asking other
>> >> >>  >> people, who are likely already overworked, to shoulder the burden.
>> >> >>  >
>> >> >>  > Is there a mailing list for abuse?  If I want abuse I shall ask for 
>> >> >> it.
>> >> >>  > Loser!
>> >> >
>> >> >>  I don't see anything that gyro said as abuse.  Name calling, on the
>> >> >>  other hand, has no place on this list.
>> >> >
>> >> >One asks for help, and people tell you to go fix it yourself.  If there
>> >> >is any disrespect, you bring it upon yourselves.  And now you start.
>> >> >Another Gnu Goon.
>> >>
>> >> I have found that people on this list are extremely friendly, courteous,
>> >> and helpful.
>> >> I suggest that you look back at the way you asked for/demanded help and
>> >> the various responses you gave in this thread.
>> >> Taking on an attitude of entitlement and showing a lack of respect for
>> >> others, their perspectives, and efforts may not be the best way to get
>> >> help.
>> >
>> > Nonsense.
>> Not nonsense at all. You responses have become rude and unhelpful. I can
>> understand how you may be frustrated by the bug reporting situation, but
>> your response to that frustration has been to complain and be critical in
>> a very non-constructive manner. You have now descended into name calling
>> and personal abuse. You are beginning to exhibit behaviour
>> which is not welcome here and which will result in people ignoring your
>> posts. Multiple people have now pointed this out, which should make you
>> stop and think rather than become emotional and respond defensively.
>> the ball is now in your court. How you respond will influence how others
>> respond to your requests and suggestions going forward.
> Look.  First I was an an emacs mailing list, then was told that it was not
> the right place.  Then was directed to sent it here, etc etc.  Then all the
> talk about being volunteers and only do things when they like.  WTF!

Even though it might not seem like it, many on this list, including me,
understand your frustration. This is not the first time people have
expressed frustration with how bug reports are managed on the list.

However, what you are likely not ware of are many of the complicating
factors involved which have made it difficult to implement a better
solution. To understand that, you really need to look at the many
threads on both the org and emacs development list where the issue of
bug reporting has been discussed.

You might say you don't care about all of that and just want to be able
to easily report an issue and know it reaches the right people. That is
fair enough. You may even have a need to express that frustration, which
is also fair enough. However, attributing that failure to laziness,
incompetence or lack of interest in doing something is not. Name calling
and personal abuse is unacceptable regardless of the situation or level
of frustration.

Once you have expressed frustration about something, there is little
gained by repetition. At the end of the day, it is how it is and if we
cannot do something about it, such as providing a patch or improve the
documentation or define a new process and work towards getting it
implemented, we either have to accept it or walk away.

Tim Cross

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