Jean Louis <> writes:
> * Ihor Radchenko <> [2020-11-30 12:31]:
>> I can see that you have implemented many of the suggested commands
>> yourself. Why don't you just propose patches extending the functionality
>> you desire?
> Good question, I have no idea in this moment why not. Maybe I just
> make a function that works for me and is not that easy to provide a
> patch that enhances some Org functionality. Example is sending Org
> tasks by email, if somebody of developers wish to do that they can
> do. For me is concept more important than specific function. Concept
> of being able to send any object from anywhere to anybody is more
> important than functions. Then if developers have different concepts
> and do not think of sending or sharing objects, then those are
> colliding minds and different experiences. I need to put more effort
> to write it why, how, where, what, then to write the function itself
> that just works. That is reason why people make separate packages.

I would like to remind you that all the Emacs and org-mode development
is only volunteer-based. As a result, people implement things they are
interested in and they have spare time for. If the features you find
useful are not implemented, there are at least three possibilities:

1. Others do not use them and do not need them.
   In such a case, you can just implement the desired functionality

2. Others would find the feature useful, but they never thought of it.
   You can send a feature request to this mailing list. If people are
   interested, they can find time to make that feature into org-mode.
   Or you can provide patches.
3. Others would like to have the features, but did not get time to do
   Again, patches welcome.

In any scenario, it would be useful to send feature request/patch to
this mailing list:

 1. You will let others know about your ideas
 2. You might get new ideas what can improve your workflow or even find
    some superior approach that makes your feature obsolete
 3. You can get the feature into org-mode, likely improved in the

Important note: it is not very useful to dump all the ideas into a
single email in the above scenario. The suggestion would more likely be
noticed if one idea/feature is limited to a single thread.


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