Carsten Dominik schrieb:
> I have just pushed one more optimization which may improve things a bit
> for you, Rainer.
> - Carsten
> ...

Hi Carsten,

results see here:

before your last optimsation:

org-run-agenda-series                                         1           1.797 

after your optimisation (see below):

org-run-agenda-series                                         1           1.703 
org-agenda                                                    1           1.703 
org-let2                                                      2           
1.3900000000  0.6950000000
org-agenda-list                                               1           
1.2810000000  1.2810000000
org-agenda-get-day-entries                                    12          1.202 
org-agenda-get-scheduled                                      10          
0.7969999999  0.0797
org-end-of-subtree                                            1533        
0.4400000000  0.0002870189
org-time-string-to-absolute                                   1635        
0.2360000000  0.0001443425
org-prepare-agenda                                            3           
0.2189999999  0.073
org-prepare-agenda-buffers                                    1           
0.2029999999  0.2029999999
org-parse-time-string                                         1805        0.188 
org-agenda-get-timestamps                                     10          0.14  
org-todo-list                                                 1           0.109 
org-agenda-get-deadlines                                      10          0.094 
org-closest-date                                              240         0.094 
org-back-to-heading                                           2206        0.094 
org-finalize-agenda                                           3           0.094 
org-let                                                       1           0.094 
org-outline-level                                             1533        0.094 
org-agenda-get-todos                                          2           0.093 
org-date-to-gregorian                                         480         0.078 
org-agenda-fontify-priorities                                 1           0.078 
org-get-entries-from-diary                                    5           0.063 
org-agenda-skip                                               3220        0.063 
org-agenda-skip-if                                            167         0.063 
org-agenda-skip-entry-if                                      167         0.063 
org-refresh-category-properties                               2           
0.0470000000  0.0235000000
org-get-todo-state                                            335         0.047 
org-agenda-get-blocks                                         10          0.046 
org-agenda-files                                              4           0.032 
org-get-effort                                                72          0.031 
org-entry-get                                                 72          0.031 
org-format-agenda-item                                        74          0.031 
org-at-date-range-p                                           219         0.031 
org-get-wdays                                                 150         0.016 
org-entries-lessp                                             219         0.016 
org-agenda-get-sexps                                          10          0.016 
org-agenda-align-tags                                         1           0.016 
org-finalize-agenda-entries                                   5           0.016 
org-check-agenda-file                                         14          0.015 
org-get-property-block                                        72          0.015 

So it looks like I have come from 1.797 down to 1.703.
And by the way - the times are even now varying between
org-run-agenda-series                                         1           1.563 
and little over 2 seconds.

Will I see much improvement when archiving a lot of subtrees inside the org 

Thanks so much for this special "Rainer" optimisation ;)
I also dream of always carrying around a small netbook running mainly emacs 
with org-mode ...


> On Apr 24, 2009, at 3:37 PM, Rainer Stengele wrote:
>> Hi Carsten,
>> strange enough the latest git version does not improve time for my
>> agenda at all.
>> It still is as slow or fast - however you see it.
>> org-version is 6.26trans
>> ,----
>> | org-run-agenda-series                                        
>> 1           1.797         1.797
>> | org-agenda                                                   
>> 1           1.797         1.797
>> | org-let2                                                     
>> 2           1.422         0.711
>> | org-agenda-get-day-entries                                   
>> 12          1.248         0.104
>> | org-agenda-list                                              
>> 1           1.2349999999  1.2349999999
>> | org-agenda-get-scheduled                                     
>> 10          0.7979999999  0.0798
>> | org-end-of-subtree                                           
>> 1533        0.6430000000  0.0004194390
>> | org-prepare-agenda                                           
>> 3           0.359         0.1196666666
>> | org-prepare-agenda-buffers                                   
>> 1           0.25          0.25
>> | org-back-to-heading                                          
>> 2198        0.1880000000  8.55...e-005
>> | org-todo-list                                                
>> 1           0.187         0.187
>> | org-agenda-get-todos                                         
>> 2           0.171         0.0855
>> | org-refresh-category-properties                              
>> 2           0.141         0.0705
>> | org-get-entries-from-diary                                   
>> 5           0.126         0.0252
>> | org-agenda-get-deadlines                                     
>> 10          0.107         0.0107
>> | org-agenda-get-timestamps                                    
>> 10          0.078         0.0078
>> | org-outline-level                                            
>> 5376        0.064         1.19...e-005
>> | org-agenda-skip-if                                           
>> 167         0.061         0.0003652694
>> | org-agenda-skip-entry-if                                     
>> 167         0.061         0.0003652694
>> | org-agenda-get-blocks                                        
>> 10          0.046         0.0046
>> | org-check-agenda-file                                        
>> 14          0.032         0.0022857142
>> | org-get-todo-state                                           
>> 333         0.031         9.30...e-005
>> | org-finalize-agenda                                          
>> 3           0.016         0.0053333333
>> | org-time-string-to-absolute                                  
>> 1627        0.016         9.83...e-006
>> | org-agenda-get-sexps                                         
>> 10          0.016         0.0016
>> | org-at-date-range-p                                          
>> 217         0.016         7.37...e-005
>> | org-agenda-align-tags                                        
>> 1           0.016         0.016
>> | org-let                                                      
>> 1           0.016         0.016
>> | org-agenda-files                                             
>> 4           0.015         0.00375
>> | org-agenda-skip                                              
>> 3213        0.015         4.66...e-006
>> | org-on-heading-p                                             
>> 164         0.015         9.14...e-005
>> | org-agenda-set-mode-name                                     
>> 1           0.0           0.0
>> | org-date-to-gregorian                                        
>> 474         0.0           0.0
>> | org-delete-overlay                                           
>> 65          0.0           0.0
>> | org-agenda-reset-markers                                     
>> 1           0.0           0.0
>> | org-find-base-buffer-visiting                                
>> 14          0.0           0.0
>> | org-set-sorting-strategy                                     
>> 2           0.0           0.0
>> | org-get-effort                                               
>> 69          0.0           0.0
>> | org-downcase-keep-props                                      
>> 41          0.0           0.0
>> | org-get-agenda-file-buffer                                   
>> 14          0.0           0.0
>> | org-fit-agenda-window                                        
>> 1           0.0           0.0
>> | org-agenda-check-for-timestamp-as-reason-to-ignore-todo-item 
>> 189         0.0           0.0
>> | org-entry-get                                                
>> 69          0.0           0.0
>> | org-agenda-post-command-hook                                 
>> 2           0.0           0.0
>> | org-overlay-get                                              
>> 241         0.0           0.0
>> | org-agenda-cleanup-fancy-diary                               
>> 5           0.0           0.0
>> | org-get-wdays                                                
>> 150         0.0           0.0
>> | org-parse-time-string                                        
>> 1797        0.0           0.0
>> | org-entries-lessp                                            
>> 215         0.0           0.0
>> | org-trim                                                     
>> 29          0.0           0.0
>> | org-closest-date                                             
>> 237         0.0           0.0
>> | org-agenda-add-inherited-tags                                
>> 72          0.0           0.0
>> | org-modify-diary-entry-string                                
>> 5           0.0           0.0
>> | org-make-overlay                                             
>> 65          0.0           0.0
>> | org-file-menu-entry                                          
>> 2           0.0           0.0
>> | org-add-to-diary-list                                        
>> 5           0.0           0.0
>> | org-split-string                                             
>> 39          0.0           0.0
>> | org-activate-bracket-links                                   
>> 1           0.0           0.0
>> | org-add-props                                                
>> 186         0.0           0.0
>> | org-agenda-add-time-grid-maybe                               
>> 3           0.0           0.0
>> | org-get-category                                             
>> 69          0.0           0.0
>> | org-days-to-iso-week                                         
>> 3           0.0           0.0
>> | org-agenda-mode                                              
>> 1           0.0           0.0
>> | org-uniquify                                                 
>> 4           0.0           0.0
>> | org-agenda-new-marker                                        
>> 107         0.0           0.0
>> | org-agenda-todayp                                            
>> 20          0.0           0.0
>> | org-format-agenda-item                                       
>> 72          0.0           0.0
>> | org-overlays-in                                              
>> 1           0.0           0.0
>> | org-get-property-block                                       
>> 69          0.0           0.0
>> | org-fontify-priorities                                       
>> 1           0.0           0.0
>> | org-get-tags-at                                              
>> 69          0.0           0.0
>> | org-overlay-put                                              
>> 130         0.0           0.0
>> | org-get-todo-face                                            
>> 68          0.0           0.0
>> | org-compile-prefix-format                                    
>> 2           0.0           0.0
>> | org-agenda-highlight-todo                                    
>> 72          0.0           0.0
>> | org-agenda-ndays-to-span                                     
>> 1           0.0           0.0
>> | org-agenda-deadline-face                                     
>> 4           0.0           0.0
>> | org-add-hook                                                 
>> 2           0.0           0.0
>> | org-time-string-to-time                                      
>> 170         0.0           0.0
>> | org-agenda-fontify-priorities                                
>> 1           0.0           0.0
>> | org-agenda-format-date-aligned                               
>> 3           0.0           0.0
>> | org-diary-default-entry                                      
>> 5           0.0           0.0
>> | org-font-lock-add-tag-faces                                  
>> 1           0.0           0.0
>> | org-get-priority                                             
>> 69          0.0           0.0
>> | org-remove-uniherited-tags                                   
>> 69          0.0           0.0
>> | org-get-time-of-day                                          
>> 37          0.0           0.0
>> | org-finalize-agenda-entries                                  
>> 4           0.0           0.0
>> | org-unhighlight                                              
>> 2           0.0           0.0
>> | org-before-change-function                                   
>> 199         0.0           0.0
>> `----
>> my org file is about 15000 lines large.
>> Rainer
>> Carsten Dominik schrieb:
>>> On Apr 24, 2009, at 10:24 AM, Eric S Fraga wrote:
>>>> Carsten Dominik writes:
>>>>> On Apr 24, 2009, at 12:10 AM, Eric S Fraga wrote:
>>>>>> Which part can you not reproduce?
>>>>> When I have the agenda on an arbitrary date, pressing "j" does *not*
>>>>> first switch the agenda to today.
>>>> <blush>
>>>> Okay, the problem was mine: I had included a very useful method,
>>>> originally from Tassilo (cf. th-calendar-open-agenda), which would
>>>> have the agenda view updated when the calendar view changed.  Removing
>>>> this gives the behaviour I was now looking for, and which is indeed
>>>> the default behaviour.  Apologies for the noise.
>>>> </blush>
>>>> Actually, this experience is a testament to the insidious nature (in a
>>>> positive way) of org-mode: it is taking over my life!  I used to have
>>>> the Emacs diary + calendar as the focus of my attention for task and
>>>> time management and org-mode was initially an addition to this.
>>>> org-mode is now almost completely the focus and I really need to clean
>>>> up my customisations to remove the old vestiges of how I used to work.
>>>> Again, apologies and continued thanks for an excellent system which I
>>>> could no longer live without!
>>> I still would like to to see profiling information as I described in my
>>> message from yesterday, so see if specific operations are particularly
>>> slow on netbooks or a zaurus.
>>> - Carsten
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