On 2020-12-12 21:08, pie...@caramail.com wrote:
Here is one version of a template

(setq capture-template-investigation-type '(

 ("a" "Historic Background Research Site Evaluation/Testing" entry
  (file "~/histr/archaeol.org")
  "* Site_Type: %?\n %T\n")


 ("u" "Remote Sensing" entry
  (file "~/histr/archaeol.org")
  "* Site_Type: %?\n %T\n") ))

Are there any more to these templates you did not show?

Because, (and unless I am missing something) what I see are essentially
all the same (and quite simple).  You would end up with something like
the following in your target file (with the cursor ending up at the x):


* Site_Type: x
[2020-12-12 Sat 21:58]


In fact I don't even see where the type name ends up in the result?

If all my assumptions above are true, I think you would probably be
better served with a simple completing-read (or similar) function to
select the "Investigation Type" from a list and then simply insert that
along with a timestamp.  Which it will take you longer to reply to this
email and confirm than it would take me to write such a function.  :)

Benefit of that way also removes possibility of typos in the type name.

In fact, the above could even be done with something as simple as

I have no idea what your workflow looks like, or where this data ends
up.  However, thinking further, I would imagine it might even be helpful
to set one or more Org properties[1] for things like "Investigation
Type" (along with some other things I could speculate like "Location"
etc.).  But all of that depends on even more things I don't know about.

If you care to share a slightly bigger picture view, particularly about
the structure of the data you are trying to capture (and/or, your
workflow) we could likely come up with something that would work much
better for you than a capture template, at least in this particular


[0] https://github.com/Kungsgeten/yankpad
[1] https://orgmode.org/manual/Properties-and-Columns.html

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