* Michael Albinus <michael.albi...@gmx.de> [2020-12-13 11:25]:
> Jean Louis <bugs@gnu.support> writes:
> Hi Jean,
> > Even if it is error, why it should be written with the dash as
> > "user-error"?!
> `user-error' is a standard error symbol in Emacs, which is fired by the
> function `user-error'. See (info "(elisp) Signaling Errors")

And error is by definition a wrong action attributable to bad judgment
or ignorance or inattention.

When user is offered choice:

[q] Abort

then such is not a wrong action or bad judgment or ignorance or
inattention. Even the function description says it should be used in
different set of circumstances.

Org capture screen does not provide that circumstance that function
should be used there as user's choice is not an error.


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