* Gerry Agbobada <emacs-orgm...@gagbo.net> [2020-12-14 20:32]:
> > It may all look nice and shiny. But what you people don't understand
> > is that it is Microsoft and deep meaning of Microsoft one can know if
> > one researches the history as only so one can see the present and look
> > into future. Microsoft never changed its strategies. Language server
> > protocol is just another branch of possible strategies to take away
> > people's computing. It is matter of advertising and making it popular,
> > when all the fish are in the net that is where final result comes, and
> > that is to take away people's freedom and computing to centralized
> > places.
> > 
> > 
> Hello,
> You made is a very clear point about _not_ understanding that
> "server" does not mean "machine controlled by Microsoft". As long as
> you refuse to understand that, it's very hard to discuss seriously
> on the matter. I attached as a picture how I plan to summarize LSP
> to new Doom Emacs users that don't know much about Emacs
> either. Hopefully this will be clear enough and show that :

Well that is your way of understanding what I said, while I never said
that it cannot run locally neither I said that it will be run by
Microsoft, though it probably will if it get popularized.

Microsoft have filed patent for LSP languag server protocol:

Why should Emacs develop and be built on protocol that Microsoft wish
to protect as their own, to control and use to subjugate population of

Emacs is free software and shall remain far dubious activities of

You can tell me how everybody can host one's own website, but reality
is that people don't.

Everybody can host one's own code, software, git, packages, but
reality is that people don't and majority look for gratis solutions
online. Corporations take over the control and have to earn money
somehow, so they trap users into their strategies.

Just as git can be decentralized and installed on many various online
servers, it is rather not and it is centralized on Github mostly that
further traps developers by their proprietary eye candies. In general
Github/Microsoft take away specific control and freedom 0 from users
to run the software as they wish:

When such tool that takes away computing becomes popular by marketing
and advertising it will be definitely offered by largest corporations,
which in turn will trap developers in future to their online tools and
online server side computing, it opens plethora of future privacy
issues, centralization and control from entities like Microsoft and

It really does not matter that it is all nicely packed into marketing
pitch about "open source" and "helpful to developers" and that it is
now not centralized and that people find it good. Marketing from those
corporations created that environment of acceptance that computing may
be taken away.

Their marketing pushes that people adopt LSP as from God granted. And
people currently do not see that flying to the source of light will
not let all flies survive.

Microsoft NEVER does any move in the public without having clearly
defined strategy on how to gain control over people's computing.


See the future.

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