
I am confused over org-mode's babel support for bibtex, or if indeed
there is support.

I can tangle src blocks

#+begin_src bibtex :tangle file.bib
     AUTHOR = {},
     TITLE = {},

to obtain a bibtex formatted file file.bib. I find this very useful in
making annotated book catalogues. However, tangling bibtex src blocks
works without an explicit (bibtex . t). Indeed if I do insert such a
line in my emacs init file, I get an error with "(require ob-bibtex) not
found". I assume therefore there no ob-bibtex file - an Index topic
search in org-mode info for "ob-bibtex" produces no results.

Although the tangle of bibtex src blocks works well, the block itself
often seem to have fontlock issues and sometimes it seems not to accept
the standard bibtex comment, which begins with @ followed by a space and
then text.

I am using org-9.4.2.


Colin Baxter.

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