Gustav Wikström <> writes:

>> From: Emacs-orgmode <> on behalf 
>> of TEC <>
>> Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2020 08:14
>> To: Bastien
>> Cc:; Pankaj Jangid
>> Subject: Re: Release Org 9.4.2
>> ...
>> I actually have a few thoughts on this.  I'm afraid that I don't think
>> Org/Emacs are doing a good job of being accessible to younger
>> individuals who have never used a ML / sent patches before (I should
>> know, I'm one such individual, and the lack of familiarity was a
>> significant deterrent). Whether a ML is a more efficient way of doing
>> things or not ultimately doesn't matter in this regard, because it's
>> simply not something I or many others are used to.
>> Just to be clear, I'm not advocating for getting rid of the ML and
>> jumping on GitHub etc. :P
> But to be fair, the collaboration features of GitHub surely would be a
> BIG net positive if the goal is to attract contributions and gain a
> bigger mindshare. That together with an open collective funding model
> of some sort. Because let's be fair. This is a hobby project and it
> would be cool if it could be something else at least for someone!

Github is not an option here. The problem is, github encourages the use
of proprietary, non-free software, which conflicts with the GNU's
primary goal of software freedom. As Org mode is a GNU project, it
cannot use Github in any fashion which would encourage the use of github
interfaces that require/encourage the use of non-free software, which
unfortunately, key parts of their web UI does.

With respect to providing a different forum which might e more familiar
or more comfortable to younger users who are not as comfortable with a
mailing list, I don't know what the answer is. By definition, being an
old user who is out of step with the trends of the young, I an other old
timers probably don't have the necessary familiarity with modern trends
to do anything here. If young users need/want a different forum, they
need to take on the responsibility for that initiative. The only
restriction is that the forum must fit with the philosophy and guidelines
of the FSF with respect to free (libre) software and not just 'open

Personally, I think on-line communities went backwards after the decline
of USERNET newsgroups.
Tim Cross

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