
I just did a quick test and I cannot reproduce this, the tabs remain on
entering, modifying and exiting block-edit mode.

One question: do you see "Makefile" as the mode when you are editing the
source block? Otherwise I imagine tab-to-space conversion might be taking


On Wed, Dec 23, 2020 at 8:05 AM Greg Minshall <> wrote:

> hi.  it seems going into Org Src, at least from a "makefile" source
> block, changes the tabs (the the base org mode added for me) into
> spaces, and leaves them as spaces when i merge back into the main .org
> file (and, so, make(1) complains, "missing separator").
> is this intentional?
> #+begin_src makefile
>   all:
>         echo all done
> #+end_src
> note that the first character of the "echo" line is a <TAB> (or, was,
> when i composed this message, sigh).  do a C-', and note that in the Org
> Src buffer, the "echo" line will start with a string of spaces.
> cheers, Greg
> ps -- is there some way i should escape/mime'ify such source blocks in
> e-mail (to this list, at least)?

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