Hi Kashyap,

The problem seems to be that when the HTML exporter finds more than one
element within a list item, it wraps each one in its own set of
=<p>...</p>= tags, which creates the additional space. You can see that
this has nothing to do with the quotes, just inserting a second paragraph
within the list item triggers this, e.g.:

3. Test 3
   - sub bullet under test 3, with a quote:

     another paragraph within the bullet

As Juan Manuel suggested, one way to fix the visual difference is with CSS.
To be more selective, you could style only <p> items with a <li>, like this:

#+HTML_HEAD: <style>li p { margin: 0em; }</style>

In my test, this eliminates the spacing before those items, making them all
look the same in the browser.

Looking at the ox-html code, there doesn't seem to be a way to prevent this
from happening at the moment, a plain paragraph is always wrapped in <p>

Hope this helps,

On Sun, Dec 27, 2020 at 2:03 PM Kashyap Chamarthy <kashyap...@gmail.com>

> Hi, folks —
> First of all, many thanks to the contributors for their work on
> Org-Mode.  I'm a happy (novice) user; first time poster here. :-)
> I have a seemingly trivial aesthetic problem. I've attached the
> reproducer .org file and its HTML export to demonstrate it.  I'm sure
> advanced users might recognize the problem immediately. As you notice
> in my HTML export: An unwanted new line is added between "Test 3" and
> "sub bullet under test 3, with a quote" (which uses
> BEGIN_QUOTE/END_QUOTE in the .org file). Likewise, a new line is added
> before "Test 4" starts.   And yet again, a new line under "Test 6" and
> its sub bullet.
> Is there a way to avoid the said new lines in the above mentioned
> examples? (NB: A space right _before_ the quote starts is okay.)  Or
> alternatively, is there a way to consistently force a new line in the
> HTML export, after each of "Test 1", "Test 2", et al?
> Many thanks in advance!
> Regards,
> Kashyap

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