Lawrence Bottorff <> writes:

> Enclosing code in :{ ... :} is fairly good -- again you can type this in at
> the REPL prompt and see how it works -- however, there are gotchas.

I don't think I understand what the problem is with :{ ... :}. Doing
this manually has worked pretty well for me.

> What would be nice is if a C-c C-c inside a block could somehow act as
> though the ghci were being sent a regular  *.hs buffer in haskell-mode --
> and that, of course, cumulatively. C-' creates a decent haskell-mode
> environment, BTW, so some form of a babel block to haskell-mode connection
> does exist....

This makes a lot of sense in many cases. One case that I think it might
be suboptimal in is when I have a heavy computation that generates
some data. Then I would want to try to do a bunch of things to that data
which means that reloading everything would be suboptimal.

I don't know how other babel plugins work, but the way I enjoy working
with ghci the most is to load in a file to ghci and then test a bunch of
expressions in the repl. Maybe ob-haskell could work like this as well,
with one type of block that loads the code as a file and another block
that just sends the code to the repl. There are some problems here that
needs to be sorted out though. For example should each block of the
former type be loaded in its own module or should all of the code blocks
be loaded in the same module? 

/A sporadic user of ob-haskell

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