This is very cool, thanks, and I very much use Automator.
I will have a look later, but it seems that you have to move focus to
Emacs, so it does not directly send something to a orgmode document
straight from the copy action in the browser.

El mié, 6 ene 2021 a las 17:56, Tim Visher (<>)

> On Wed, Jan 6, 2021 at 1:43 AM Gerardo Moro <>
> wrote:
>> Basically that: as I copy (Control-C) text from the browser (Chrome), I
>> would like those copied sentences to be sent to a ordered list in an
>> OrgMode document:
>> - copied text 1
>> - copied text 2
>> - etc.
>> Any ideas? This would be very useful.
> On macOS I've done _similar_  things to this (albeit not exactly what
> you're asking) by simply generating org text for me to paste in.
> For instance I have an applescript `org-current-tab`:
> ```
> …
> on org_current_tab()
>     tell application "Google Chrome"
>         set the_title to title of active tab of front window
>         set the_title to my replace_chars(the_title, "[", " ")
>         set the_title to my replace_chars(the_title, "]", " ")
>         return "[[" & URL of active tab of front window & "][" & the_title
> & "]]" as text
>     end tell
> end org_current_tab
> ```
> Then from anywhere I can activate this applescript and all I need to do is
> whack `C-y` in emacs and I get the link pasted in.
> It's not hard then to extend this directly into emacs via the `osascript`
> executable:
> ```
> (defun org-current-tab
>     ()
>   (interactive)
>   (unless (eq major-mode 'org-mode)
>     (user-error "This command must be triggered in an org buffer."))
>   (let* ((output (with-temp-buffer
>                    (call-process
>                     "osascript" nil t nil
>                     "-e" "tell application \"Finder\" to set
> current_tab_handlers to (load script file \"current_tab_handlers.scpt\" of
> folder \"Dropbox\" of home as alias)"
>                     "-e" "tell current_tab_handlers to org_current_tab()")
>                    (substring-no-properties (thing-at-point 'line t) 0
> -1))))
>     (insert output)))
> ```
> I'm not sure what environment you're in so you may not have access to a
> system's scripting tool like Applescript but depending on the scripting
> facilities of whatever you're targeting maybe you can get most of the way
> there. At the worst you could add whatever text you want to your clipboard
> and then write some elisp that processes it before writing it to your org
> buffer.

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