Eric S Fraga <> writes:

> On Monday, 11 Jan 2021 at 14:08, Loris Bennett wrote:
>> Yes, it exports.  However although the diagram is genererated, it is not
>> included in the PDF.
> By "included", what do you mean?  If I export that document to HTML, I
> see a link to the PDF.  If I ask for a PNG, I see the image.  This
> behaviour is expected as browsers do not show PDF documents inline
> generally.

Sorry for not being clear.

I'm only exporting to PDF not HTML and I am creating the image in the
source block as a PNG.  I am then viewing the resulting PDF file either
using a PDF viewer (evince) or directly in Emacs.  The file
blackboxmodel.png is created, but not inserted into the final ecm.pdf.


 :cache yes :eval never-export

in cargo-cult fashion doesn't solve the problem when using with the ECM
and a minimal Emacs set-up although it does with my complete
presentation and my standard init.el.
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