I'd like to format (latex export) the output from a captured org-collector dynamic block by using the resulting org-collector table as a variable for source code block.

I have place #+name: before the collector block.

#+name: bar
#+BEGIN: propview :id "conveyances" :match "BreezyCorners" :cols (ITEM CUSTOM_ID CONVEYANCEDATE RECORDDATE BOOK PAGE) :colnames (Title ID Dated Recorded Book Page) :noquote t :defaultval "" :inherit (CONVEYANCEDATE DEEDDATE RECORDDATE BOOK PAGE)


When called from the source block (using :var table=bar) results
(error "Reference not found")

I have placed the #+name inside the block, e.g.,

#+BEGIN: propview :id "conveyances" :match "BreezyCorners" :cols (ITEM CUSTOM_ID CONVEYANCEDATE RECORDDATE BOOK PAGE) :colnames (Title ID Dated Recorded Book Page) :noquote t :defaultval "" :inherit (CONVEYANCEDATE DEEDDATE RECORDDATE BOOK PAGE)
#+name: bar

When I attempt to generate the table -Lisp error: (error "(user-error Not at a table)")

The above idea was in StackOverflow concerning a columnview block - see


Additionally I have reviewed the org-collector source code and I find no provision concerning formatting the output, such as, I believe, clocktable has in its code. I have attempted to use

#+BEGIN: propview :id "conveyances" :match "BreezyCorners" :cols (ITEM CUSTOM_ID CONVEYANCEDATE RECORDDATE BOOK PAGE) :colnames (Title ID Dated Recorded Book Page) :noquote t :defaultval "" :inherit (CONVEYANCEDATE DEEDDATE RECORDDATE BOOK PAGE)
#+attr_latex: :mode table :align p{150pt}p{10pt}p{75pt}p{75pt}p{20pt}p20pt}

again the Lisp error: (error "(user-error Not at a table)")

Any suggestions?

Charlie Millar

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