Hello *,

I just banged out a bit of Elisp implementing a new Orgmode link type
for navigating Ordered (i.e., numbered/lettered) Plain Lists.[0]

As I tend to use Plain Lists extensively when taking notes, this is
something I (personally) have been wanting for some time.  But maybe
others might also find it useful.

Here is a teaser, copied from my (working title) ol-plo.el file:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  ;;; Commentary

  ;; Implements an Orgmode link type for nagivagting to other
  ;; locations within the same Ordered (numbered) Plain List in
  ;; Orgmode.
  ;; The link type is "plo:" for Plain List, Ordered (see Plain
  ;; List section of Orgmode manual).
  ;; Example: Following Orgmode link at position [Y] like
  ;; [[plo:1.2.1.][Description]] would move point from [Y] to [X]
  ;; below:
  ;; * Heading
  ;; 1. Section
  ;;    1. Subheading
  ;;    2. Another subheading
  ;;       1. [X]Link to
  ;; 2. Another Section
  ;;       1. Link from [Y]

If there is any interest, I could post it up somewhere.  In which case,
more questions arise:

1. Where should this live?
   a. In Orgmode itself?
   b. In contrib?
   c. As an outside package?

Hence my thought to first float the idea on the mailing list.

I am also unsure I even like "plo:", maybe it should be "opl:" (for
Ordered Plain List)?  Or even something else?

Discuss!  :)


[0] https://orgmode.org/manual/Plain-Lists.html

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