I'm trying to figure out how to write a block , header, PROPERTY or
whatever is necessary so the output of a command in babel source block
identifies it own position - the line (or block or something) in buffer
(or at least the file) in which it is written. ( Plus the checked out
git revision / branch. )
I've been experimenting with the following, so far without much luck ...
Which of these pieces of information (see the "echo" line below) is it
possible to get? Which is easy? (variables VAR[0345] are most critical)
How would one write a snippet which provides (some of) this information?
Is it much harder with command 1 being SSH to a remote machine? Would
":dir user@remotemachine:/some/dir" work better? Or at all?
Perhaps I would know how to find out VAR6 and VAR7 by running first
some `git cmd1` and `git cmd2` locally in a " command 0 " - but is there
a way to get that info from magit somehow?
But what I am most desperate for is how to cause orgmode block to set
VAR0, VAR3, VAR4 and VAR5, and - also fairly important - how to use the
combination of VAR[0345] do open / recall the file onto the screen
Thanks a million for helping me out here ...
This is the sample file :
* heading L1_12
Hello and welcome, this is a file with self-referencing shell babel source
code blocks
** heading L2_37
#+NAME: block220
#+BEGIN_SRC bash :session sess9
: command 0 ; cd _how-do-I-find-the-dir-of-currently-edited-file_ ;
VAR6=`git cmd1` ; VAR7=`git cmd2`
: command 1 ; ssh -o "SetEnv VAR1=machine VAR2=user VAR3=..."
#+NAME: block225
#+BEGIN_SRC bash :session sess9
: command 2 ; : do some computation on targetMachine
: command 3 ; echo This code has been launched from emacs process
on computer $VAR1:_SRC_HOSTNAME_ \
run by user $VAR2:_USER_ \
from file $VAR3:_FILENAME_ \
code block named $VAR4:block225 \
in this file positioned under headings: $VAR5:heading L1_12/heading L2_37/ \
which is checked out from $VAR6:_GIT_COMMIT_ID_ \
on branch $VAR7:_GIT_BRANCH_
: command 3 continues ; echo To display the buffer which launched this code on
the screen of the running emacs session, run the following command : emacs
_What_the_heck_do_I_put_here?_ '&'