On 28/01/2021 18:31, gbio...@gmail.com wrote:

If I try in eshell buffer 'xdg-open /tmp/test.pdf && sleep 3' my cursor blinks
with the Okular icon for a few seconds and then nothing happens.

If I correctly get what you describe as "blinks", it could last for some time after process failure. On the other hand I am surprised that no other diagnostics is shown as a KDE dialog or as an error message in the eshell buffer. In the case of eshell, it is likely another problem, not killing handler with SIGHUP due to instantly closed pty.

What happens if you run the following commands in the Emacs *eshell buffer* (with an existing PDF file, of course)? In particular I am interested in output appeared in the buffer.

1. okular /tmp/test.pdf

2. kde-open5 /tmp/test.pdf

3. sh -x /usr/bin/xdg-open /tmp/test.pdf

I'm almost sure that okular is configured as the handler, but just to confirm it:

4. xdg-mime query default application/pdf

I assume that PDF file is a valid one (not corrupted, not empty, not accessible due to file permissions, etc.) since okular is able to report such problems.

You could also attach to emacs process with strace, try to launch handler, kill strace, and inspect log file which processes are spawned ("execve" lines) and their exit codes. Run strace from ordinary terminal (not from emacs) with proper process ID:

strace -o /tmp/emacs.strace -f -s 128 -tt -p PID_OF_EMACS_PROCESS

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