On 30/01/2021 20:49, Eli Zaretskii wrote:

How about asking the xdg-open developers to help us figure out the

I do not think, it is xdg-open problem. It just calls kde-open5 that
spawns actual handler and immediately exits.

I didn't say it was their problem, I suggested to ask them to help us
understand why xdg-open doesn't work in those cases, under the
assumption that they are familiar with their code better than us.

What kind of help do you expect from xdg-open developers? It is a shell script, you could easily inspect it. I have posted already a command how to trace its execution. However currently I am almost sure that it merely calls 'kde-open5 /tmp/file.pdf'. The problem is that emacs does not expect that kde-open5 and thus xdg-open exits instantly. The question could be addressed to KDE developers, but unlike the issue with temporary files, in my opinion, pty+SIGHUP problem should be fixed in org mode. Some convenience function in emacs core would be nice but org mode is compatible with older emacs releases. Thus the only option is to change the org-open-files function.

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