>>> "JMM" == Juan Manuel Macías <maciasch...@posteo.net> writes:

Hola Juan

> I think the problem is how the exporter understands the url string.
> Note that this:

> @@html:<a href="https://www.mpic.de/4747361/risk-calculator"; 
> target="_blank">Simulador de riesgo con más detalle</a>@@

> [[https://www.mpic.de/4747361/risk-calculator target="_blank"][Simulador de 
> riesgo con más detalle]]

> is exported like this:

> <p>
> <a href="https://www.mpic.de/4747361/risk-calculator"; 
> target="_blank">Simulador de riesgo con más detalle</a>
> </p>

> <p>
> <a 
> href="https://www.mpic.de/4747361/risk-calculator%20target=%22_blank%22";>Simulador
>  de riesgo con más detalle</a>
> </p>

> The second link is wrong formatted. A dirty solution could be:

> #+BIND: org-export-filter-final-output-functions (correct-target-blank)
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports results :results none

>   (defun correct-target-blank (text backend info)
>     (when (org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'html)
>       (replace-regexp-in-string "%20target=%22_blank%22\""  "\" 
> target=\"_blank\"" text)))
> #+end_src

> Best regards,

Thanks that works, but not for link in a list. The only solution 
seems to be this one

#+attr_html: :target _blank

#+attr_html: :target _blank
[[https://www.mpic.de/4747361/risk-calculator][Risk simulator with more 

      1. RocketBook

         + Book A4
           #+attr_html: :target _blank

         a. Book A4
            #+attr_html: :target _blank

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