
Checkout what R sqldf package makes easy:

** aggregation example

Examples from

#+NAME: original
| Day       | Color | Level | Quantity |
| Monday    | Red   |    30 |       11 |
| Monday    | Blue  |    25 |        3 |
| Tuesday   | Red   |    51 |       12 |
| Tuesday   | Red   |    45 |       15 |
| Tuesday   | Blue  |    33 |       18 |
| Wednesday | Red   |    27 |       23 |
| Wednesday | Blue  |    12 |       16 |
| Wednesday | Blue  |    15 |       15 |
| Thursday  | Red   |    39 |       24 |
| Thursday  | Red   |    41 |       29 |
| Thursday  | Red   |    49 |       30 |
| Friday    | Blue  |     7 |        5 |
| Friday    | Blue  |     6 |        8 |
| Friday    | Blue  |    11 |        9 |

#+PROPERTY: header-args:R  :session *R*

#+begin_src R :results none

#+begin_src R :var original=original :colnames yes
sqldf('select Color, count(*) from original group by Color;')

| Color | count(*) |
| Blue  |        7 |
| Red   |        7 |

** join example

Example from

#+name: nutrition
| type     | Fiber | Sugar | Protein | Carb |
| eggplant |   2.5 |   3.2 |     0.8 |  8.6 |
| tomatoe  |   0.6 |   2.1 |     0.8 |  3.4 |
| onion    |   1.3 |   4.4 |     1.3 |  9.0 |
| egg      |     0 |  18.3 |    31.9 | 18.3 |
| rice     |   0.2 |     0 |     1.5 | 16.0 |
| bread    |   0.7 |   0.7 |     3.3 | 16.0 |
| orange   |   3.1 |  11.9 |     1.3 | 17.6 |
| banana   |   2.1 |   9.9 |     0.9 | 18.5 |
| tofu     |   0.7 |   0.5 |     6.6 |  1.4 |
| nut      |   2.6 |   1.3 |     4.9 |  7.2 |
| corn     |   4.7 |   1.8 |     2.8 | 21.3 |

#+name: recipe
| type     | quty |
| onion    |   70 |
| tomatoe  |  120 |
| eggplant |  300 |
| tofu     |  100 |

#+begin_src R :var recipe=recipe :var nutrition=nutrition :colnames yes
sqldf('select * from recipe, nutrition where recipe.type=nutrition.type')

| type     | quty | type     | Fiber | Sugar | Protein | Carb |
| onion    |   70 | onion    |   1.3 |   4.4 |     1.3 |    9 |
| tomatoe  |  120 | tomatoe  |   0.6 |   2.1 |     0.8 |  3.4 |
| eggplant |  300 | eggplant |   2.5 |   3.2 |     0.8 |  8.6 |
| tofu     |  100 | tofu     |   0.7 |   0.5 |     6.6 |  1.4 |

This should also be possible but I cannot get it to work now:

#+begin_src R :var recipe=recipe :var nutrition=nutrition :colnames yes 
:prologue sqldf(' :epilogue ')
select * from recipe, nutrition where recipe.type=nutrition.type

From: Emacs-orgmode <> On Behalf 
Of John Kitchin
Sent: Sunday, February 21, 2021 10:24
To: Tim Cross <>
Cc: org-mode-email <>
Subject: Re: state of the art in org-mode tables e.g. join, etc

ATTENTION: This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or 
click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails.

For fun, here is the sqlite equivalent of the Pandas example using the same 
tables as before

** aggregation example

Examples from

#+NAME: original
| Day       | Color | Level | Quantity |
| Monday    | Red   |    30 |       11 |
| Monday    | Blue  |    25 |        3 |
| Tuesday   | Red   |    51 |       12 |
| Tuesday   | Red   |    45 |       15 |
| Tuesday   | Blue  |    33 |       18 |
| Wednesday | Red   |    27 |       23 |
| Wednesday | Blue  |    12 |       16 |
| Wednesday | Blue  |    15 |       15 |
| Thursday  | Red   |    39 |       24 |
| Thursday  | Red   |    41 |       29 |
| Thursday  | Red   |    49 |       30 |
| Friday    | Blue  |     7 |        5 |
| Friday    | Blue  |     6 |        8 |
| Friday    | Blue  |    11 |        9 |

#+begin_src sqlite :db ":memory:" :var orgtable=original :colnames yes
drop table if exists testtable;
create table testtable(Day str, Color str, Level int, Quantity int);
.mode csv testtable
.import $orgtable testtable
select Color, count(*) from testtable group by Color;

| Color | count(*) |
| Blue  |        7 |
| Red   |        7 |

** join example

Example from

#+name: nutrition
| type     | Fiber | Sugar | Protein | Carb |
| eggplant |   2.5 |   3.2 |     0.8 |  8.6 |
| tomatoe  |   0.6 |   2.1 |     0.8 |  3.4 |
| onion    |   1.3 |   4.4 |     1.3 |  9.0 |
| egg      |     0 |  18.3 |    31.9 | 18.3 |
| rice     |   0.2 |     0 |     1.5 | 16.0 |
| bread    |   0.7 |   0.7 |     3.3 | 16.0 |
| orange   |   3.1 |  11.9 |     1.3 | 17.6 |
| banana   |   2.1 |   9.9 |     0.9 | 18.5 |
| tofu     |   0.7 |   0.5 |     6.6 |  1.4 |
| nut      |   2.6 |   1.3 |     4.9 |  7.2 |
| corn     |   4.7 |   1.8 |     2.8 | 21.3 |

#+name: recipe
| type     | quty |
| onion    |   70 |
| tomatoe  |  120 |
| eggplant |  300 |
| tofu     |  100 |

#+begin_src sqlite :db ":memory:" :var nut=nutrition rec=recipe :colnames yes
drop table if exists nutrition;
drop table if exists recipe;
create table nutrition(type str, Fiber float, Sugar float, Protein float, Carb 
create table recipe(type str, quty int);

.mode csv nutrition
.import $nut nutrition

.mode csv recipe
.import $rec recipe

select * from recipe, nutrition where recipe.type=nutrition.type;

| type     | quty | type     | Fiber | Sugar | Protein | Carb |
| onion    |   70 | onion    |   1.3 |   4.4 |     1.3 |  9.0 |
| tomatoe  |  120 | tomatoe  |   0.6 |   2.1 |     0.8 |  3.4 |
| eggplant |  300 | eggplant |   2.5 |   3.2 |     0.8 |  8.6 |
| tofu     |  100 | tofu     |   0.7 |   0.5 |     6.6 |  1.4 |


Professor John Kitchin
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

On Sun, Feb 21, 2021 at 10:03 AM John Kitchin 
<<>> wrote:
Thanks Tim and Greg. I had mostly come to the same conclusions that it is 
probably best to outsource this. I worked out some examples from the orgtbljoin 
and orgaggregate packages with Pandas below, in case anyone is interested in 
seeing how it works. A key point is using the ":colnames no" header args to get 
the column names for Pandas. It seems like a pretty good approach.

* org-mode tables with Pandas
** Aggregating from a table

Examples from

#+NAME: original
| Day       | Color | Level | Quantity |
| Monday    | Red   |    30 |       11 |
| Monday    | Blue  |    25 |        3 |
| Tuesday   | Red   |    51 |       12 |
| Tuesday   | Red   |    45 |       15 |
| Tuesday   | Blue  |    33 |       18 |
| Wednesday | Red   |    27 |       23 |
| Wednesday | Blue  |    12 |       16 |
| Wednesday | Blue  |    15 |       15 |
| Thursday  | Red   |    39 |       24 |
| Thursday  | Red   |    41 |       29 |
| Thursday  | Red   |    49 |       30 |
| Friday    | Blue  |     7 |        5 |
| Friday    | Blue  |     6 |        8 |
| Friday    | Blue  |    11 |        9 |

#+BEGIN_SRC ipython :var data=original :colnames no
import pandas as pd

pd.DataFrame(data[1:], columns=data[0]).groupby('Color').size()

# Out [1]:
# text/plain
: Color
: Blue    7
: Red     7
: dtype: int64

The categorical stuff here is just to get the days sorted the same way as the 
example. It is otherwise not needed. I feel there should be a more clever way 
to do this, but didn't think of it.

#+BEGIN_SRC ipython :var data=original :colnames no
df = pd.DataFrame(data[1:], columns=data[0])
days = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 
df['Day'] = pd.Categorical(df['Day'], categories=days, ordered=True)

 .agg({'Level': 'mean',
       'Quantity': 'sum'})

# Out [2]:
# text/plain
:            Level  Quantity
: Day
: Monday      27.5        14
: Tuesday     43.0        45
: Wednesday   18.0        54
: Thursday    43.0        83
: Friday       8.0        22
: Saturday     NaN         0
: Sunday       NaN         0


** Joining tables

Example from

#+name: nutrition
| type     | Fiber | Sugar | Protein | Carb |
| eggplant |   2.5 |   3.2 |     0.8 |  8.6 |
| tomatoe  |   0.6 |   2.1 |     0.8 |  3.4 |
| onion    |   1.3 |   4.4 |     1.3 |  9.0 |
| egg      |     0 |  18.3 |    31.9 | 18.3 |
| rice     |   0.2 |     0 |     1.5 | 16.0 |
| bread    |   0.7 |   0.7 |     3.3 | 16.0 |
| orange   |   3.1 |  11.9 |     1.3 | 17.6 |
| banana   |   2.1 |   9.9 |     0.9 | 18.5 |
| tofu     |   0.7 |   0.5 |     6.6 |  1.4 |
| nut      |   2.6 |   1.3 |     4.9 |  7.2 |
| corn     |   4.7 |   1.8 |     2.8 | 21.3 |

#+name: recipe
| type     | quty |
| onion    |   70 |
| tomatoe  |  120 |
| eggplant |  300 |
| tofu     |  100 |

#+BEGIN_SRC ipython :var nut=nutrition recipe=recipe :colnames no
nutrition = pd.DataFrame(nut[1:], columns=nut[0])
rec = pd.DataFrame(recipe[1:], columns=recipe[0])

pd.merge(rec, nutrition, on='type')

# Out [4]:
# text/plain
:        type  quty  Fiber  Sugar  Protein  Carb
: 0     onion    70    1.3    4.4      1.3   9.0
: 1   tomatoe   120    0.6    2.1      0.8   3.4
: 2  eggplant   300    2.5    3.2      0.8   8.6
: 3      tofu   100    0.7    0.5      6.6   1.4


Professor John Kitchin
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

On Sun, Feb 21, 2021 at 1:54 AM Tim Cross 
<<>> wrote:

Greg Minshall <<>> writes:

> John,
>> Is there a state of the art in using org-tables as little databases
>> with joins and stuff?
> i have to admit i do all that with an R code source block.  (the dplyr
> package has the relevant joins, e.g. dplyr::inner_join().)  and, in R,
> ":colnames yes" as a header argument gives you header lines on results.
> (maybe that's ?now? for "all" languages?)

For really complex joins and ad hoc queries, I would do similar or put
the data into sqlite. For more simple ones, I just define a table which
uses table formulas to extract the values from the other tables - the
downside being the tables need to have the same data ordering or the
formulas need to be somewhat complex. Provided the tables have the same
number of records in the same order, table formulas are usually fairly

I did think about writing some elisp functions to use in my table
formulas to make things easier, but then decided I was just re-inventing
and well defined database solution and figured when I need it, just use
sqlite. However, it has been a while since I needed this level of
complexity, so perhaps things have moved on and there are better ways

Tim Cross

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