David Masterson <dsmasterson92...@outlook.com> writes:

> There are many ways of maintaining history in a group of Org files:
> 1. Archive within a file
> 2. Archive to a separate (archive) file
> 3. Special TODO types for history
> 4. Special TAG types for history
> 5. etc.
> My question is, if you have meetings/phone calls as TODOs, what is the
> preferred way to handle when they move into history so that, *much*
> later, you can easily produce a list of all of the meetings/phone calls
> with dates and times of them?  The issue (I think) is, when you mark the
> TODO as DONE, you lose the info of what the TODO was originally.

A lot will depend on your requirements.

For me, my TODOs are setup so that they record a date stamp for when
they were added and whenever they change state e.g. started, done,
delegated etc.

For non-TODO items, I will often put an inactive timestamp in the
heading title.

I also make extensive use of the ability to add timestamp entries as
part of capture templates - for exmaple, my notes and even the file of
bookmakrs (RUIs) I have.

Tim Cross

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