along lines of reducing logbook entries, i often want to reduce org
files, and i wonder if anybody already had the same desire.

here are some random ideas.  my org files are so
large i might have written this list a few times....

  1) list links to duplicate headlines
  2) list links to duplicate body text
  3) list links to duplicate entries
  4) list links to duplicate entries, body text, or
     headlines using fuzzy matching
     - suppose you captured an email slightly differently a
       few times
  5) show in agenda the biggest few tasks so you can go to
     them and reduce them or doneify them
  6) (waves hands) git magic to find old entries that might
     be stale
  7) show in agenda the tasks with biggest logbook drawers
     so you can go to them and reduce them
  8) find similar body text that are in distant subtrees
     that might be candidates for refactoring using org-id
  9) show in agenda deepest olpath levels
  10) indicate deep, shallow, text-filled, etc. top levels
  11) show in agenda entries with most children
  12) archive logbook drawer entries older than 1 year
      - get rid of drawer if empty
      - put the drawer entries into a logbook drawer in a
        new task, with a similar header, that then gets
        doneified.  then that gets archived when you archive
  13) operate on lines matching a pattern
      - e.g. "* [2021-02-17 Wed 20:35]  whatever" lines
        might be insubstantial notes that do not need to
        clutter the inactive timestamp display in the agenda
        and thus should be moved to a target location with
      - that target location would presumably not be in an
        agenda file
  14) function to lint all agenda files
  15) reduce false positives in lint

well, idk if htese are good ideas.  just thought maybe we
could form a cult of "don't let org files get too big".

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