
> For export formats, there could be (yet another) "signal" to convey
> "new paragraph here" which then is the exporter's job. Perhaps an
> empty line (as is traditional in TeX) or something else.

I think that signal would be a good solution within a single line. For
example, for an emergency a simple macro would suffice, something as:

#+MACRO: par @@latex:\par{}@@

Anyway, I suspect that Org tables are not originally intended for such a
'literary' content :-) ... LaTeX tabular(x) environment and Org tables
have in common that they are plain text, but that’s where the
similarities end. Org tables are visual (close to the WYSIWYG concept),
which is why they are wonderful when it comes to mere data tables (and n
files x n rows). The LaTeX tabular environment is crude, it is not
'visual' (except for the facilities provided by the editor), and when
the table becomes large and complex it can be a torture working in
there... So perhaps (IMHO) the solution to edit a cell in a dedicated
buffer could be the least traumatic in complex cells, in case one wants
to avoid going crazy by editing this kind of huge and literary tables in
LaTeX ;-)

Best regards,

Juan Manuel 

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