Eric S Fraga <> writes:

> On Friday, 19 Mar 2021 at 07:38, Loris Bennett wrote:
>> However, the restriction to source blocks of a particular language does
>> not seem to work like this, but maybe I have got the syntax wrong
>> (again).
> Maybe ;-)
> This seems to work for me for a shell:
> :header-args:sh: :var user="loris"
> :END:

That works for me, too.  The following correctly does not work:

  :header-args:R: :var user="loris"

  #+begin_src sh
    echo user ${user}

  : user

To be honest, I find it is a wee bit confusing that it's

  #+PROPERTY: header-args:sh :var user="loris"

*without* a colon after the language (if I add it, there is not error,
but the variable is just not set) but

  :header-args:sh: :var user="loris"

*with* a colon after the language, but maybe I'm just easily confused

Thanks for the help,

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