
Just a remark about what Martin Steffen wrote:

> There is one case where I do NOT use org for such documents (though I
> use org basically most things I do), and that is
> collaborative editing,
> /.../ one can easily
> mess it up (typically for novices, who start changing layout or
> typesetting, injecting manual spacing etc).
> /.../
> That's why I have not dared to write challenging (latex) documents with
> org collaboratively (complex documents alone, yes, simple documents
> jointly, but not all....)

Not even the most streamlined DTP-wysiwyg-program is safe from this.
Far from. I even doubt typewritten documents can be written colla-
boratively, without someone messing things up.

There should be something like pilot licences for using certain
computer tools, not to speak about programming, but let's not sink
into squabbles about that...


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