another possibility is org-export-with-drawers.

On 3/30/21, Samuel Wales <> wrote:
> there is a variable that controls sequence of notes.
> one trick would be to go to the entry and keep notes as entries below them:
> * x
> ** LOG [2021-03-30 Tue 15:13] hi
> ** some stuff about x
> On 3/30/21, Husain Alshehhi <> wrote:
>> Hello.
>> I use org-agenda frequently for getting an overview of my work. I
>> clock-in when I start working on something. I often find myself needing
>> to add a note to the task I am working on. To do that from the Agenda
>> view, I run org-agenda-add-note. I add typical notes like what my
>> findings are, anything I did related to the task, but it is nothing
>> related to notes about why the task changed status (at least not always).
>> However, I do have in my config
>>   (setq org-log-into-drawer t)
>> which should add clocking into my LOGBOOK drawer by default. I
>> discovered however that org-mode adds my notes in the LOGBOOK drawer. I
>> am not sure why, but it appears that these notes are considered "status
>> notes" (?) and thus by org-log-into-drawer documentation are logged into
>> the drawer. I am not certain if this is correct.
>> This setup, works fine except for two cases:
>> a. When I want to export my notes to HTML, exporters will ignore the
>>    LOGBOOK, and I would like to export my notes.
>> b. Notes are ordered in reverse: newer notes are put first.
>> Because of this behavior, I suspect that I am hijacking the notion of
>> "status change notes" and using them as notes.
>> My questions are:
>> 1. Am I using the notes correctly in org?
>> 2. If not, what is equivalence of adding quick notes into a task
>>    (ideally, with time stamp of sort)?
>> 3. If yes, then how can I work around the limitations (a) and (b)?
>> --
>> Husain Alshehhi
> --
> The Kafka Pandemic
> Please learn what misopathy is.

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