Jean Louis,

when publishing, one presents a data structure
~org-publish-project-alist~ that defines the back ends and options for
publishing actions.  the options are here:

below is an example.  as you can see, publishing to different back ends
can have different values for a given option.  (well, not that i do it
that much here...)

cheers, Greg
  (setq org-publish-project-alist
           :with-toc nil
           :base-directory "./"
           :publishing-directory "./artefacts"
           :exclude ".*"
           :include ("")
           :publishing-function org-html-publish-to-html)
           :with-toc nil
           :base-directory "./"
           :publishing-directory "./artefacts"
           :exclude ".*"
           :include ("")
           :publishing-function org-latex-publish-to-pdf)
           :with-toc nil
           :base-directory "./"
           :publishing-directory "./artefacts"
           :exclude ".*"
           :include ("")
           :publishing-function org-html-publish-to-html)
           :with-toc nil
           :base-directory "./"
           :publishing-directory "./artefacts"
           :exclude ".*"
           :include ("")
           :publishing-function org-beamer-publish-to-pdf)
          ("ess-org" :components ("ess-org-html"

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