The notes below are quite general and unrelated to particular message.

On 04/04/2021 07:51, Tom Gillespie wrote:

followed by a space and then the repeat or delay for example
[+10000-01-01 10:11:00,992315771-04:00 Sat] or
[-480-08-20 05:00+01:00]
or more temporally local
[2021-03-03 17:43-07:00 Sat]

Just an idea, I do not know if it is feasible and convenient. Have anyone considered a kind of src blocks to describe timestamps? Current inline syntax is suitable for simple cases, sometimes more details are required, some information could be redundant to allow consistency check:

- Date-time in the original form as it appeared in external source (with a hint related to particular format e.g. rfc822 date.
- Either it is local time or it is bound to some event as Solar eclipse.
- List if time zones to have notion of local time of all participants of an online meeting. - Location for planned event since there is a chance that existing time zone will be split into smaller ones.

A couple of bookmarks to get impression of complexity:
  timezone Tag Info
  Falsehoods programmers believe about time
  and follow-ups.

Emacs API is hardly suitable for working with multiple time zones. Something could be borrowed from other projects, e.g.
Low-Level Date Algorithms (C++)
A special attribute has been added in python to deal with local time ambiguity around time transitions
PEP 495 -- Local Time Disambiguation

I think, it is a challenge to provide a convenient way to generate agenda for a trip across several time zones.

P.S. Raw UNIX timestamp as 1234567890 is convenient for some computations but hardly human friendly. UTC date-time 2009-02-13T23:31:30Z is better. With particular offset 2009-02-13T22:31:30-01:00 it is equally precise and even more convenient. Still neither of such forms are applicable if it is scheduled event with fixed local time and offset of particular timezone might be changed.

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