I had the :cache yes on the same line with #+BEGIN like
#+BEGIN_SRC plantuml :file helloworld.png :cache yes

When I change to your method, caching seems to work.
It looks like setting it as a section property also works.

Thank you.
Should I expect the setting on the BEGIN_SRC line to work?

On Tue, Apr 13, 2021 at 7:16 PM Nick Daly
<> wrote:
> CS Suehs <> writes:
> > Should I expect PlantUML source blocks and their resulting images to
> > be cached and respect `:cache true` ?
> Yes.
> > In my experience they regenerate every export, even with :cache true.
> Can you provide an example?
> This example caches correctly for me on v9.1.14.
>     #+name: helloworld
>     #+header: :cache yes
>     #+BEGIN_SRC plantuml :file helloworld.png
>       @startuml
>       Hello --> World
>       @enduml
>     #+END_SRC
>     #+RESULTS[f29ead8751dde1b4c4ee1b8fcb97e133c75eed0d]: helloworld
>     [[file:helloworld.png]]
> The only time I've seen caching break is if the diagram imports an
> external file.  In that case, the diagram doesn't regenerate often
> enough, because org doesn't notice that the external file changed.  The
> fix to that is to include the hash of the external file as a dependent
> var.
>     #+name: md5
>     #+BEGIN_SRC shell :cache no :var afile="PLACEHOLDER"
>       md5sum $afile
>     #+END_SRC
>     #+name: cache-correctly
>     #+header: :var md5input=md5("data.txt")
>     #+BEGIN_SRC R :exports results :results output graphics :file data.svg
>       aData <- read.csv("data.txt")
>       ggplot(data = aData,
>              mapping = aes(x = aData$id, y = aData$value))
>     #+END_SRC
> Thanks,
> Nick

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