Am 23. April 2021 um 09:24 Uhr -0400 schrieb Bruce D'Arcus:
> It can be that not only does the space get removed, but the note mark
> is moved outside the period.
> So if you have ...
> Some sentence with a concluding citation [cite:@key].
> ... that should end up like this:
> Some sentence with a concluding citation.[1]
> Aside: looking through the CSL spec, it doesn't seem this is
> documented. It obviously should be.
> And I don't remember if that convention is locale-specific; e.g. if
> while that's the standard in English, it could be different in
> France.

As for German, the semantics are different. In Law discipline, in some
journals (not all) both styles can be used within the very same
document and have different meanings. That is,

> This is an example sentence, with a half-sentence following.¹

means that the citation ¹ references the entire sentence, whereas

> This is an example sentence, with a half-sentence following¹.

means that it references only the part following the comma ("with a
half-sentence following"). Normalising this into one uniform style
would be a semantic error. Not all journals handle it like that,
though. Some do prefer uniform look and glance over the semantic


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