Am 26.04.2021 um 22:02 schrieb Nicolas Goaziou:

"Bruce D'Arcus" <> writes:

On this, on the other (big) wip-cite thread, Nicolas said the following:

"A drawback with allowing emphasis there is that prefix and suffix become
parsed data and not plain string anymore. As a consequence, searching
through them, e.g., when looking for locator names, requires an
additional level of indirection, since you need to first transform
parsed data back into plain text."

Nicolas: I get that you need more code to do this, but are there other
practical consequences of allowing more than plain-text?

The code I need to write does not count, really. It is 10 locs at most,
without the tests.

My concern is the additional burden for processor developers. They will
need to shift from one representation to the other, this is not
convenient. Also some tasks then become an order of magnitude harder.

While I cannot speak for the processor developers, I still want to throw in that at least the major CSL processors do handle formatting in affixes in one way or the other. The Haskell citeproc that is used by pandoc treats the suffixes as markdown, citeproc-js uses some sort of HTML-like tags for things like italics, bold, sub-/superscript, and a few more things.

For example, let's consider the suffix: " p.32 and following" If it is
plain text, I can recognize p.32 as a locator, and replace it with "page
32" using something like `replace-regexp-in-string'.

Now, if it is a somewhat opaque parsed string, I need to first expand
it, for example with `org-element-interpret-data', modify the output as
above, and then parse it again to get a new parsed string.

I can no longer (concat "(" prefix author "," year suffix ")") either,
because prefix and suffix are not strings anymore. I need to

   (format "(%s%s, %s%s)"
           (org-export-data prefix info)
           (org-export-data author info)
           year    ;I assume year cannot contain problematic characters
           (org-export-data suffix info))

So, nothing impossible, but still slightly inconvenient.

If it isn't impossible I'd be strongly in favor of adding this. I'm pretty sure authors will miss it otherwises.


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