
I understood differently.

Tim Cross <theophil...@gmail.com> writes:


> A question to help me understand this issue.
> If I understand correctly, exporting to HTML does not guarantee
> stability of TOC links. If you export as HTML, send someone a link from
> the toc and then re-export the document, the link will possibly be
> broken. Essentially, exporting to HTML has no guarantee of stability in
> toc links.

I think this is right.

> However, if you use publish instead of exporting to HTML, there is a
> guarantee of stability in toc links. When publishing a second time, the
> link will be consistent and still valid.

The publish feature only means exporting several files at once. IIUC,
what was written was that when using the publish feature, the exported
html pages will be coherent and a link in one document pointing to
another document of the same publish call won't be broken.

But IIUC, publishing the whole stuff again will result in totally
different links. They will still be coherent and no broken link from one
document of the whole to another. But a browser bookmark pointing the
published lot the first time won't work with the same lot the second

Did I understand correctly?
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