[Not directly related to the OP, but might be useful to know.]

On Mon, May 03 2021, Aleksandar Dimitrov wrote:
> this sounds very interesting to me, as I, too, mostly write in Org
> and, sometimes write documents in multiple languages, usually with
> different varieties of either Latin or Cyrillic.
> Apart from the export, one of my biggest gripes is
> flyspell. Specifically, the fact that you have to choose one language to
> spell check the entire document with. That is insufficient in my case.

flyspell is basically just ispell, and ispell can be configured with different
backends. One possible backend is hunspell, which allows you to set multiple
dictionaries. So if you regularly use different languages in a buffer, you
should give hunspell a try.

> The drawback, and the clear disadvantage compared to your method is that
> this works great only when the languages are separated by paragraph
> breaks.

If that is the case, you could also check out the =guess-language= package:
<https://github.com/tmalsburg/guess-language.el>. It tries to detect the
language of the current paragraph and sets the ispell (and hence flyspell)
dictionary accordingly. I use it because I write in three different languages,
but usually don't mix them in one buffer.

Joost Kremers
Life has its moments

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