I can replicate this, it looks like a bug to me.

Looks to me that there's something wrong with the way it is handling single quoted strings, since the output is only what is within the double quoted strings. I will take a stab at fixing this.

On 5/3/21 6:22 PM, learn orchids wrote:
I am using Org mode version 9.4.5 (9.4.5-73-g4c7696-elpaplus and I have the 
following code snippet. Values in the 'sql' column of the second row is 
truncated. Am I missing something?

#+begin_src sqlite :db /tmp/rip.db  :colnames yes
   drop table if exists testtable;
   create table testtable(id int, sql varchar);
   insert into testtable values (1, "Select id from foo");
   insert into testtable values (2, 'Select "id" from foo');
   select* from testtable;

#+RESULTS: testsql
| id | sql                |
|  1 | Select id from foo |
|  2 | id                 |

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