Hi list,

As the maintainer of Ebib, I have of course been following the threads on
citation support for Org with some interest. I have not been able to follow
every detail, however, in part probably due to my limited experience with CSL
and citeproc. (I use biblatex myself.)

Now I find myself with some specific questions that I cannot find an answer to.
(Possibly because I'm just daft enough to overlook them in the e-mails Nicolas
sent, but in that case feel free to point this out.)

So, on the assumption that there are Org users out there that may want to use
Ebib to manage their citations, what would Ebib need to do in order to be a good

- A user should be able to insert citations into an Org document. IIUC nothing
  in org-cite provides any functionality for this, right? Is there a default
  list of styles a user would expect to be supported, or does this depend solely
  on the bibliography style one uses?

- =:active= just means "font-lock", right?

- Since I don't plan on writing an exporter, I assume that it is possible to
  mix and match processors? Say, have one for the =:follow= property, another
  for =:activate= and a third one for =:export-*=?

- What kind of data structure do the =:follow= and =:activate= functions take?
  Should I just look at =oc-basic.el= or is this written down somewhere?

- Is there a function or buffer-local variable that gives me a list of all the
  bibliography files of a buffer? Related to that: if a user has set
  =org-cite-global-bibliography= and also provides a =#+bibliography= keyword,
  are both sources used, or only the keyword?

Thanks for any and all comments!

Joost Kremers
Life has its moments

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