Carsten Dominik writes:
> On May 12, 2009, at 12:07 PM, Eric S Fraga wrote:
> > Apologies.  I missed this.  I don't track the latest git version,
> > preferring to track the debian unstable version as it makes my life
> > easier (given that I use 3+ computers daily...).  I do, however, try
> > to keep track of what has been fixed and I missed this.
> No problem.
> I need to make a new release soon, enough stuff has accuulated

Actually, you've motivated me to move to the development version on
all my systems (I already use an automated procedure tied to Mercurial
for my own projects and it's relatively easy to add git to this
procedure...).  Org-mode is now such an integral part of my life that
it seems silly not to be at the edge of development!

Thanks again,

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