And this is, how you need to do it, if you have the sitemap included:

=> --->8----------------------------->8----------------------------->8---
#+STYLE: <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>
#+STYLE: <script type="text/javascript">
#+STYLE:  <!--/*--><![CDATA[/*><!--*/
#+STYLE: $(document).ready(
#+STYLE:   function(){
#+STYLE:   $("#text-1 ul").eq(0).find("li").each(
#+STYLE:     function(){if($(this).children().eq(0)){
#+STYLE:       $(this).css({cursor: "pointer"});
#+STYLE:       $(this).bind(
#+STYLE:         "click",
#+STYLE:         function(){
#+STYLE:           if($(this).children().eq(0).is(":visible")) 
#+STYLE:           else $(this).children().eq(0).slideDown(250);
#+STYLE:           return false;});}});
#+STYLE:   $("#text-1 ul").eq(0).find("ul").hide();
#+STYLE: });
#+STYLE: /*]]>*///-->
#+STYLE: </script>

* Sitemap

<= ---8<-----------------------------8<-----------------------------8<---

Ian Barton <> writes:
> Yesterday on my bike ride I was listening to an old FLOSS Podcast about
> jQuery. There are a few things that Sebastian's org-info-js doesn't do, that I
> would like. Unfortunately, my knowledge of javascript is almost zero.
> However, the jQuery library seems to have excellent documentation. More
> importantly using jQuery seems to mostly protect you from trying to debug your
> code on lots of different browsers, since the jQuery author has already done 
> it
> for you.
> After some experiments I cam up with the following snippets which toggle the
> visibility of DONE tasks and also timestamps. Hope someone finds them useful!
> Ian.
> <script src="";
> type="text/javascript"></script>
> <script type="text/javascript" >
> <!--/*--><![CDATA[/*><!--*/
>      $(document).ready(function(){
>        $('#toggletimestamp').click(function() {
>             $('span.timestamp-wrapper').toggle();
>        });
>        $('#toggledone').click(function() {
>             myParent = $("span.done").parent();
>             myParent.toggle();
>        });
>      });
> /*]]>*/-->
> </script>
> You can set up a buttons to call these functions:
> <input type="submit"
>  name="toggletimestamp"
>  value="Toggle Time Stamp"
>  id="toggletimestamp" />
> <input type="submit"
>    name="toggledone"
>    value="Toggle Done"
> id="toggledone" />
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