   > Uwe,
   > [snip]

   > [screenshot deleted]

   > Oh, I misunderstood.

   > The result looks like latex. So why not use `:results output latex' ?

I tried that also, then however the result is 
#+begin_export latex
P(\text{No-Covid19}) &= 1- P(\text{Covid19}) = 1-0.1=0.9\\ 
P(\text{+}|\text{No-Covid19}) &= 1-    P(\text{-}|\text{No-Covid19}) = 
1-0.95=0.05 \\ 
&=\frac{0.95 \cdot 0.1}{0.95\cdot0.1 + (1-0.95)\cdot 0.9}\\ 
P(\text{Covid19}|-)&=0.608696 \\ 
P(\text{No-Covid19}|+)&=1-P(\text{Covid19}|+)=0.391304 \\ 

That is ok for displaying, but if I now want also to export this org
file to latex, the align construct is not exported, sigh. 

As the great philosopher M. Jagger said:

«You Can't Always Get What You Want»

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