On Tue, Jun 1, 2021 at 1:03 PM Timothy <tecos...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Bruce D'Arcus <bdar...@gmail.com> writes:
> > Thanks Timothy.
> >
> > What's your view on modifying current default?
> I think latexmk is a pretty reasonable expectation, and your
> justification that it's more important seems sound to me.
> Using the value seen in my config, I've found that at the least my
> version of latexmk interprets the arguments such that
> `org-latex-compilers' still works as expected (with xelatex, lualatex,
> etc.). Perhaps this would make sense as a new default if it works well
> for others too (without the -shell-escape bit though).

Here's the current command for the "latexmk" option:

"latexmk -g -pdf -pdflatex=\"%latex\" -outdir=%o %f"

... and here's what you have, minus shell-escape.

"latexmk -f -pdf -%latex -interaction=nonstopmode -output-directory=%o %f"

Do they not both account for the engine (luatex, xetex, etc.)?

In any case, whatever the command is, clearly it should.


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