On 6/1/21 8:00 PM, Tim Cross wrote:

"Bruce D'Arcus" <bdar...@gmail.com> writes:

While testing org-cite a few weeks ago, I noticed by default bibtex
won't run with natbib export, or biblatex with biblatex export.

Since org has not had native citations, this is not surprising.

But with org-cite coming soon, this will change.

At the time I suggested changing default to use latexmk, which will
handle both bibtex and biblatex runs.


So what do LaTeX users think about changing the default for
"org-latex-pdf-process" to "latexmk"?

Is there any reason not to do this?

One reason is that latexmk is not installed on some systems. This means
it will require users to install an additional package not previously
required. It is also a perl script, so will need perl installed - not
sure what sort of overhead this might represent for Windows and Mac
users? Does latexmk work on all the platforms Emacs+org is supported on?

It isn't hard for users who want to use latexmk to set the value and as
it will break the installation for many existing users, I think we need
to be careful about changing this default. For many users who don't use
bibtex, this change could mean they have to install additional
software with little other observable benefit or change the default back
to what it is.

If we do make this change, it will be necessary to update any docs to
add details about the additional dependncy and how to resolve it (for
all supported platforms).

As a constant user of Org's LaTeX export capability, this change would break my 
ability to export to PDF, and it would be difficult for me to fix. I don't 
support this change.

Scott Randby

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