In the approach taken by CSL implementations, and by biblatex
autocite, when dealing with note styles, you have two kinds of
citations in notes:

1. what we might call "automatically footnoted"; citations in the
running text that get converted on export to footnotes (or endnotes)
2. citations within footnotes, that get output as is, without any
footnote wrapping.

With this input:

Body text with a citation: [cite:@mcneill2011].

Footnote: [fn:1]


* Footnotes

[fn:1] A commentary, and then a citation: [cite:@low2001].

... the citation within the footnote now generates an additional footnote.

[3] A commentary, and then a citation:[4].

[4] Low, “The Edge and the Center: Gated Communities and the Discourse
of Urban Fear.”

It should not; output should be:

[3] A commentary, and then a citation: Low, “The Edge and the Center:
Gated Communities and the Discourse of Urban Fear.”


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