I'm kind of losing track of details, but two things:

First, the current oc-basic has a "follow" function that if point is
over a citation-reference (key), and one does "M-x org-open-at-point",
the bibtex entry is opened.

Very cool!

Similar to my idea to have a configurable capf, could that function be

A couple of people noted, for example, that the preferred choice would
be that the actual document be opened. I actually got a PR for exactly
this default behavior this past weekend, and bibtex-completion has a
function that takes keys and does this. So would be great do something

(setq org-cite-basic-open bibtex-completion-open-pdf)

Second, I completely lose font-locking when using json files. I know
you have plans, Nicolas, to add json support, but even without that,
shouldn't the citation be highlighted?


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