Ian Barton <li...@manor-farm.org> writes:

> Hi Eric,
> It was in the rake themes:default step. I got an error message about a
> missing command, which I think was "sass". I'll uninstall surfar and
> try to get an accurate error message later today.

Hi Ian,

The issue here is that ruby couldn't find the sass executable on your
machine.  I just changed the theme deployment code so that it no longer
relies on an external sass executable.  Please pull the latest code from
github, run 'git submodules update' to update the blorgit themes code
and give 'rake themes:default' another try.

> Meanwhile  have another problem:) When I try to view a page I can see
> the basic navigation structure, but no style info or content. I notice
> that there is no stylesheet.css in ~/blogs and I tried copying one
> from the blorgit directory there. I do have an index.org, but it isn't
> being processed and included in the web page index. I am guessing that
> there is some problem with my Ruby installation. I have checked and I
> am definitely using V1.8.

This problem is more complicated.  Blorgit relies on Emacs to actually
export org-mode files to html.  To do this it passes the org-mode files
to an Emacs server using the 'emacsclient' command.  To allow your Emacs
instance to act as a server for blorgit you need to load the
org-interaction.el file located in the backend/acts_as_org/elisp/
directory.  I have added the following to my .emacs so that this happens

;; serve up web pages for blorgit
(load "~/src/blorgit/backend/acts_as_org/elisp/org-interaction.el")

For running on a remote server see the "Deploying to a Remote Server"
section of the blorgit page on
worg. http://orgmode.org/worg/blorgit.php#sec-3.5

This is certainly the most complicated part of running blorgit, and if
you have any suggestions for how to improve the page on worg please let
me know (of feel free to edit the page yourself, as that's what worg is

I hope this helps, and please let me know if there are any more issues.
Hopefully your work getting this running will clear the way for future
blorgit users. :)

Thanks -- Eric

> Ian.
>> Thanks for the feedback.
>> Do you happen to know which functionality depends on sufary, or where in
>> the install process it was required?  I am currently running a blorgit
>> instance on two debian machines (one of which is ubuntu) and I don't
>> have the sufary package installed on either.
>> Thanks -- Eric
>> Ian Barton <li...@manor-farm.org> writes:
>>> Hi Eric,
>>> There is one small omission from the installation instuctions. On
>>> Debian/Ubuntu you need to:
>>> apt-get install sufary
>>> Ian.
>>>> I hope blorgit works out for you.  I've been using it for a couple of
>>>> months both at work and at home, and it's starting to get fairly
>>>> stable/reliable.
>>>> Please don't hesitate to let me know if you run into any issues.

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