I actually nuke Emacs's ability to do backups with this in my config:

** Nuke Emacs' ability to make backups and autosaves since its annoying and too 
   #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
     (setq make-backup-files nil)
     (setq auto-save-default nil)

Reason being is that its one of the worst automatic features of any editor. I 
hate having to deal with ~ files all over the place. However, I've done this 
for other editors like Vim as well since swapfiles just are a pain to deal with.

I didn't know they had an rsync variant for Emacs. Now that is nice.

I'm okay with git repos for dot files or some kind of programming project but 
yeah, I've been debating something else for an org based repo cause I too have 
almost had my 'life.org' be completely destroyed with a merge event.

On Thu, Jun 10, 2021, at 10:07 PM, Samuel Wales wrote:
> undo [or equivalent] in buffer.  no saving to disk.
> emacs auto save to an auto-expiring directory
> emacs backups every save to an auto-expiring directory
> git snapshots when i feel like it.  search as needed.
> branching in the text itself, by use of comments above if it is
> incoming/new and below if it is old/reference.
> many use git branch but i wouldn't remember the branch was in git and
> i don't want to have to rely on git for such things unless it disrupts
> the text without it.  for me it is merely an archive.  it is not an
> active repository of future possibilities and current ongoing
> activities.  even with magit, git ui is complex to me. its storage
> model is not merely an endofuctor of dags.
> so i use only basic features when possible.  many years later i still
> fear merges/rebases and even stashes and find the merge/rebase
> presentation to be quite bizarre and can't believe anybody finds it
> the most useful.  certain sequences of staging, unstaging, and
> snaphotting can actually cause buffer corruption.  git notes feature
> is another complexity which while small i'd rather have git recognize
> all file permissions by default.
> incidentally, rsync wrapper called rsnapshot works well.  i wouldn't
> use it for branching.  you can use unix commands = win.
> On 6/9/21, Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide <arne_...@web.de 
> <mailto:arne_bab%40web.de>> wrote:
> >
> > Eric S Fraga <e.fr...@ucl.ac.uk <mailto:e.fraga%40ucl.ac.uk>> writes:
> >
> >>> Not sure if it counts as off-topic for this thread, but does everyone
> >>> use Git to manage their Org docs and notes?
> >>
> >> I use a variety of version control systems but for multiple computers I
> >> use unison to keep them all synchronised.
> >
> > I use Mercurial for all my private versiontracking.
> >
> > Best wishes,
> > Arne
> > --
> > Unpolitisch sein
> > heißt politisch sein
> > ohne es zu merken
> >
> -- 
> The Kafka Pandemic
> Please learn what misopathy is.
> https://thekafkapandemic.blogspot.com/2013/10/why-some-diseases-are-wronged.html

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