You might want to take a look into the stylesheets on


Depending on the tools you use on your site, modifiing the files on the
fly (on output, maybe cached) might be a good solution too (DOM or XML
parser). You might want to use a DOM parser, if you want to modify the
document structure (e.g. pack the 'table-of-contents' into table cell,
and the rest into another).



Stefan Vollmar <> writes:
> Hallo,
> I am new to this list and apologize if this has been asked before. Before I
> forget: many thanks for this EXCELLENT package!
> (1) I am running org 6.26d with Aquamacs 1.7 on a current Mac system. At 
> least I
> think I have installed that version correctly (Aquamacs 1.7  uses an older
> version of org-mode) - how can I find out which version  I am really using?
> (2) Is there a template/option to have the table of contents in an HTML export
> at the left hand side for navigation, similar to  automatically generated
> bookmarks in PDF browsers?
> (3) Syntax highlighting of source code (6.26 d, Chapter 12, p. 102, "Literal
> Examples") like this
> #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
> (defun org-xor (a b)
> "Exclusive or."
> (if a (not b) b))
> works nicely. However it took me a while to get there: I had first overlooked
> the footnote and needed to install htmlize.el first.  However, when using a
> Python snippet with "Python" instead of "emacs- 
> lisp" there was no colour whatsoever: it needs to be "python" (although Emacs
> displays the mode with a capital "P"), maybe  this should be another 
> footnote? I
> have also added a little note here:
> Warm regards,
>  Stefan

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