
We should also get pandoc to support updated org-cite syntax.

On Wed, Jun 23, 2021, 12:57 PM Anders Johansson <>

> Hi all,
> I appreciate the work done on the cite functionality!
> I use zotero for managing my library and have previously used zotxt
> and org-zotxt (along with some additions in my zotxt-extra library)
> for being able to cite in org-mode and export correctly to various
> formats.
> Zotxt has used a custom link format for citations (similar to org-ref)
> which links to zotero but optionally also contains a citekey (defined
> via the zotero-better-bibtex extension to zotero). I actually wrote my
> PhD thesis with this setup, but the connection to Zotero has always
> felt a little wobbly and Zotero is also quite slow for my large
> library.
> Now seems to be a great time to convert to a workflow with the new
> cite format. To enable a conversion from org mode to word processors
> with Zotero ”active” citations I created two libraries to manage this
> via pandoc and the pandoc filter created for the zotero-better-bibtex
> extension.
> (see:
> This allows me a workflow like:
> 1. keep an updated  .bib-file of my library in zotero (with the help
> of zotero-better-bibtex)
> 2. cite in org-mode (for me with completion via helm-bibtex and
> 3. Export to an odt-file with active zotero citations (with oc-pandoc
> and ox-md-pandoc-zotero)
> I attach them here in case anyone else finds some part of this workflow
> usable.
> I couldn’t find any previous definitions for exporting to the pandoc
> cite format so I quickly hacked up org-cite-pandoc. I suppose it could
> be be widely useful and included in org. Feel free to use it as
> suitable (I have FSF copyright assignment for emacs).
> Best,
> Anders Johansson

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