The convenience of html output is the easiness by which one can zoom
in and out.  Doing that in printed output is difficult because you need
typefaces with different sizes.

I use the latex for mathematical typesetting, with the other things I 
wholeheartedly follow your drift.  There is still so much work to do.
Things have become complicated, and the design has to get simplified,
for the next generation of hackers to work with.

> Sent: Friday, June 25, 2021 at 5:54 AM
> From: "Rob Sargent" <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: Latex highlighting for org-mode
> On 6/24/21 11:43 AM, Christopher Dimech wrote:
> > I only proposed colour highlighing for mathematical snippets.  Nothing else.
> >
> > Or making org able to export to html even when one is using LaTeX blocks.
> >
> > In that sense, it would act in ways similar to texinfo, using a single
> > source file to produce output in a number of formats, both online and 
> > printed.
> >
> >
> Print and digital are vastly different worlds.  Given that one can plop 
> most any file in a web page I would rather see more work on making print 
> layout easier without resorting to latex directives or other single 
> target mark-ups.  Even at the expense of html output.

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